

Homoeopathy: Understanding the Science of Healing

Homoeopathy: Understanding the Science of Healing (3 Credits) Fees: $299 (INR 10,000 for Indian Students)

Overview: The "Homoeopathy" course provides students and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and principles of homeopathic science. From fundamental theories to practical applications, participants will delve into the core principles of homeopathy, including the vital force, drug proving, case taking, materia medica, and more. Through a combination of theoretical lectures, practical sessions, and project work assignments, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to apply homeopathic principles effectively in clinical practice.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Homoeopathy:
    • Overview of the history and development of homeopathy as a system of medicine.
    • Understanding the fundamental principles of similia similibus curentur (like cures like) and the law of minimum dose.
    • Exploration of the philosophical and theoretical foundations of homeopathy.
  2. Principles of Homeopathic Practice:
    • Study of the vital force and its role in health and disease.
    • Introduction to drug proving, posology, and the process of remedy selection.
    • Examination of the principles of case taking, including the holistic assessment of patients and the evaluation of symptoms.
  3. Materia Medica and Organon:
    • In-depth exploration of homeopathic materia medica, including the study of individual remedies and their therapeutic indications.
    • Analysis of key concepts outlined in Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of the Medical Art, including the principles of individualization and the hierarchy of symptoms.
  4. Practical Application and Clinical Skills:
    • Practical sessions on case analysis and repertorization, utilizing homeopathic software and reference materials.
    • Hands-on experience in dispensing and administering homeopathic remedies.
    • Case study discussions and clinical observations to reinforce learning and enhance diagnostic skills.


  • Lecture Series and Workshops: Participate in interactive lectures and workshops led by experienced homeopathic practitioners, covering key theoretical concepts and practical applications.
  • Case Studies and Group Discussions: Engage in case study discussions and group sessions to analyze clinical cases, apply homeopathic principles, and develop differential diagnoses.
  • Practical Training Sessions: Attend practical training sessions focused on remedy preparation, dispensing techniques, and case taking skills, guided by faculty members.
  • Project Work and Assignments: Complete project work assignments assigned by faculty members, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical applications in real-world scenarios.
  • Examination and Assessment: Prepare for comprehensive examinations, including both subjective and objective questions, to evaluate understanding and proficiency in homeopathic principles and practice.

Upon successful completion of the "Homoeopathy" course, participants will emerge with a thorough understanding of homeopathic principles, practical skills in remedy selection and case management, and the confidence to apply homeopathic concepts effectively in clinical practice.