Dr. Abhijit Pandya
Dr. Abhijit Pandya
Dr. A.S. Pandya is a professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Florida Atlantic University (FAU). During his 40 years of academic career he has been involved in cross-disciplinary research involving, brain science, medical sciences, engineering and computer science. He is also a patent-winning inventor with experience in both industry and university settings. He has received over $7 million in research funding over the last two decades from NSF, IBM, Motorola etc. His main research focus is AI/ML, VLSI systems and Robotics and he is credited with writing the first textbook in the area of Neural networks entitled “Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++” IEEE press (1995). Dr. Pandya received his undergraduate education at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Syracuse University, New York.